March 2021
The innovative work of CARIM Researchers Mark Post and Rogier Veltrop were discussed during a live broadcast show organized by the UM Alumni office. The show, from a large corona-proof studio in Arnhem (NL), turned out to be a huge success. Almost 1500 registered UM alumni watched the show and participated by asking questions during the show. Veltrop uses the stem cells to make patient-specific cardiac tissue. Without the need of invasive biopsies, Veltrop is able to generate novel beating heart cells with the same genetic composition as the patient. His innovation enables him to elucidate the mechanisms causing cardiac diseases at a molecular and cellular level. Currently, there is no cure for cardiac diseases, just treatment of symptoms. 'We first need to understand the diseases, before we can cure them. But to bridge the gap between academia and clinic, would be a much desired step, as soon as possible'.
The link of the UM STAR Show :