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CaReSyAn Mid-Term meeting Agenda, March 1, 2019, University Clinic of Aachen, Germany

Updated: Mar 7, 2019

Combatting the Cardio Renal Syndrome: towards an integrative Analysis to reduce cardiovascular burden in chronic kidney disease (CaReSyAn)

Grant Agreement number: 764474

Venue: University Clinic of Aachen

Room: Spiegelsaal (Ground Floor, Corridor A)

Friday 1 March 2019

09:30 - 09:40 Introduction Dr. Riccardo Ricci, Prof. Joachim Jankowski

09:40 - 10:10 Tour de table Introduction of projects by full and associated partners

(up to 3 slides each, introduce team, role in network)

Full beneficiaries:

UKA (Joachim Jankowski, Heidi Noels) BRFAA (Antonia Vlahou)

MOS (Harald Mischak) MUW (George Heinze)

UM (Anne Lajoix)

INSERM (Joost Schanstra, Julie Klein)

CARIM (Leon Schurgers, Erik Biessen)

KI (Peter Stenvinkel)

Associate partners:

EXEL (Dora Togia)

RDN (Angel Argiles)

IIS-FJD (Alberto Ortiz)

BAY (Thomas Krahn)

FMC (Dorothea Piecha)

10:10 - 10:30 REA Project Officer Presentation (Dr. Riccardo Ricci)

10:30 - 11:30 Coordinator’s report on CaReSyAn (Dr Heidi Noels)

11:30-12:30 Lunch and Posters (Conference Room)

12:30 - 14:30 CaReSyAn Fellows' Individual Reports

(10 minutes each including discussion; present research work and training in relation to expected deliverables)

12:30 ESR1 Giulia Ilaria Bagarolo (UKA)

12:40 ESR2 Eleni Petra (BRFAA) 12:50 ESR3 Tianlin He (MOS) 13:00 ESR4 Els Genbrugge (MUW) 13:10 ESR5 Samuel Olapoju (UM) 13:20 ESR6 Ana Amaya Garrido (INSERM)

13:30 ESR7 Nikolas Rapp (CARIM) 13:40 ESR8 Sofía de la Puente Secades (UKA)

13:50 ESR9 Valeria Saar-Kovrov (CARIM)

14:00 ESR10 Sam Hobson (KI)

14:10 ESR11 Rogier Veltrop (UKA)

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee Break

15:00 - 17:00 Meeting between CaReSyAn Fellows & Dr. Riccardo Ricci (Conference Room) Supervisory Board Meeting CaReSyAn (Spiegelsaal)

17:00 - 17:30 Feedback & Open Discussion with Dr. Riccardo Ricci

17:30-18:00 Fingerfood snacks


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